Internal Auditing
Internal auditing is an objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an
organization's operations. It can help an organization accomplish its strategic objectives by bringing a
systematic, disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control,
and governance processes. Kanaan Firm internal audit services help boards and senior executives better
manage enterprise risks. Kanaan professionals help organizations enhance the effectiveness, quality, and
value received from internal audit.
External Auditing
External Auditing is one of the main services that Kanaan provides through a professional team capable of
reviewing firms’ financial data according to international practices & standards. Kanaan team can
understand firms work nature and suggest recommendations accordingly for developing its information
systems, and internal auditing. All this enhances firm’s abilities in taking right decisions and achieving
Projects Accounting
Kanaan realizes that project owner(s)/partners need to have regular accounting documents for extracting
financial reports that summarize the project progress, end- results and help in deciding on partners’
proportions from profits/losses.
Projects Financial Management
Kanaan brings together planning, budgeting, accounting, financial reporting, internal control, auditing,
procurement, disbursement and the physical performance of the project with the aim of managing project
resources properly and achieving the project’s objectives.
Kanaan has professional team in using various accounting programs suit different aspects of firms in terms
of work nature, size. In addition, it can provide firms with administrative information leads to more
concentration on their businesses/activities.
Financial and Administrative Advisory
Feasibility Study
Planning must precede implementation for saving money, time and effort. Accordingly, making feasibility
study for project idea is a necessity that leads to avoiding errors before they occur. We at Kanaan have
competencies and capabilities in preparing feasibility studies, which guide for proper decisions and decisive
choices before implementing ideas on the ground.
Building Accounting Systems
Kanaan takes into consideration the importance of accounting systems to firms and has good expertise in
building up various accounting systems fit different firms’ natures. Having an accounting system of accurate,
concise, available upon need/request information enhances firms making decisions ability.
Financial Conflict Resolution
Kanaan helps firms that face conflicts regarding profit/loss, partners’ proportions; as they do not adopt
regular accounting documents earlier. For this purpose, Kanaan uses various accounting mechanisms to deal
with each case.
Kanaan privileged an authorization from Ministry of Justice to perform financial arbitration for firms through
professional legal consultants.
Firms expose to liquidation for many reasons, and Kanaan has expertise for completing all accounting and legal procedures.
Training and Development
Kanaan takes the responsibility towards developing the Palestinian human resources for contributing in
filling the gap between graduates’ skills and labor market requirements by providing package of training
courses in accounting and administration for fresh graduates and employees at various firms. Kanaan seeks
for developing its training courses for satisfying local and global market requirements.
Value Added Tax Accounting
Kanaan recognizes that firms face challenges pertaining Value Added Tax (VAT) and promises to assist them
focusing on their core activities and doing their businesses seamlessly by finding out optimal solutions to
their VAT challenges.
Income Tax Accounting
Firms should do tax planning to decrease tax expenses according to tax system. Tax planning enables firms
to reward and survive in market full of stiff competition/rivals.