General Introduction of Mission and Objectives Mission and Objectives.

Established in 1998, Kanaan is a professional Palestinian privately held body based in Gaza Strip, Palestine. Kanaan offers a wide range of professional services in finance and management. Kanaan is a member of Kreston Global Network. Kreston Global is an international network of innovative, like-minded accounting and consultancy firms that puts trusted relationships and exceptional care at the heart of everything it does.

Offices and Geographical Coverage

As a Palestinian body believing in the necessity of an integrated performance on both sides of the “Palestinian Territories” (Gaza and the West Bank), Kanaan extends its services to the West Bank with an enduring partnership with Kreston Global Member in the West Bank, Kreston Auda Jibreel for Professional Services Firm (Kreston AJ);

Kreston Auda Jibreel

Kreston AJ firm is an auditing, accountancy and consultancy services firm that was established in Jerusalem - Palestine in 1966 And moved to Ramallah an Al-Bireh City in 1970. KrestonAJ is made up of more than 9 professionals specialized in a wide spectrum of services of Bookkeeping, auditing, tax planning, consultation, business advisory provided for Palestinians and foreign clients. Since 2009, Audeh Jibreel has joined Kreston Global as an independent member.

Fields of Expertise

Kanaan Firm covers a wide range of finance and management services with the proper experience built through its journey. We have carried out multiple assignments in both parts of the country, either alone or in association with regional and international firms. Kanaan firm has accumulated specific project experience in the following fields

Auditing (Internal and External)

Financial Management

Financial System Development

Projects Accounting

Financial Conflict Resolution


Tax Accounting


Business Evaluation

Feasibility Study

Market Planning

Market Systems Analysis

Enterprise Resources Planning Systems

Organizational Development

Manufacturing System Optimization

Human Resources Systems Development

Strategic Planning


Quality Assurance and Quality Control

Kreston International member firms commit to compliance with the professional standards appropriate in their respective countries and adhere to the following international standards: International Standards on Quality Control,International Standards on Auditing for the conduct of transnational audits and Code of Ethics as issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants.A globally coordinated quality monitoring and review program supports member firms in the maintenance of these standards.

Jerusalem Street,AlBireh,West Bank, Palestine

507, Capital MallOmar AlMukhtar StreetGaza, Palestine

Call Us: +96893217305